October Newsletter

A Gift to the Church

FaceI write this the day after the funeral of the Rt Revd Mark Santer, former Principal of Westcott House Theological College and Bishop of Birmingham, theologian, and pastor. Mark ended his life and ministry in this diocese, with permission to officiate he continued to serve these last few years in the parish church of St Aldhelm’s, Branksome. His funeral at the church was a wonderful celebration of a life well lived, of his rich ministry and the gift of friendship.

We have just under four hundred active retired clergy in the Salisbury diocese. Priests and deacons who have not only served for many years in stipendiary or self-supporting ministry in dioceses, right across the Church of England and overseas, but who are willing to continue to offer their talents and experience to us here. Bishop Andrew and I with our secretaries manage the renewal of their permission to officiate every three years, and new safeguarding training and DBS checks are part of this. This is a tremendous commitment and a gift to the church for which we must be truly thankful. We also, as bishops, meet all those retired clergy moving in to make sure they feel welcomed and supported with ongoing support offered through our network of deanery retirement officers, and diocesan retired clergy officer.

Many of our retired clergy are involved in active ministry in their local church, as well as taking funerals and weddings; others offer spiritual direction, mentoring and coaching or act as reviewers for our ministry review scheme or as deanery and diocesan retirement officers, regularly staying connected with those with PTO and retired clergy who are inactive. This is all a very real reflection of the fact that God continues to use us in many and varied ways throughout our life. Indeed, Bishop Mark preached his final sermon on Easter Sunday at the age of eighty-six! 1st October is the International Day of Older Persons. A day to celebrate the gifts of all those who continue to show us the love of God through their generosity, positivity, and humility. If you include yourself here, thank you!

Karen Gorham