
Welcome to the Cley Hill Churches, a benefice of 2 parishes made up of 6 churches situated  close to the ancient Hill Fort of Cley Hill and the town of Warminster in West Wiltshire . On our  journey of faith we are learning together what it means to serve our communities and to live out God’s call for us to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and all your strength and to love your neighbour as yourself. ‘ It’s an exciting, challenging journey and we would love you to come and see what it’s all about. Whoever you are, and for whatever reason you are reading these words, may God bless you, surround you with his love, and bring you peace.

Safeguarding Guidance

The churches of the Cley Hill Benefice take their responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.

Our Parish Safeguarding Policies can be downloaded here

If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns you can email our Parish Safeguarding Officer here

Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, on 07500 664800 or email.

Private Prayer

The churches in Corsley, Kingston, Brixton, Chapmanslade and Horningsham are now routinely opened every day and therefore are accessible for private prayer.

Churches now open for services

Please refer to the Services page for the calendar of services


Getting married is a joyful occasion and we would love to welcome you to one of our churches for your big day. If you are interested in getting married in one of the churches in our benefice please do contact our Wedding Coordinator. More information can be found on the Weddings Page.

'Worship in the Cley Hill Benefice' Facebook page 

This is a private Facebook group for local worship, which can be seen publicly but only members can access the comments, people will need to request to join the group via this Facebook link. Revd. Gay takes Morning Prayer at 9am on Tuesdays and Evening Prayer at 5pm on Thursdays within the group.